A Better Way to Spot Freight

A Road

All your spot freight
in just one place

We let you view and bid on spot freight opportunities from every Shipper and 3PL you work with in one place. Interface with your Loads using our Web App or use our APIs to integrate Manifold into your product or TMS.

A diagram of what manifold does

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Improve Profit

With all your spot freight in one location you can make more intelligent bid decisions to maximize profit.

Gain new Insights

Gain unique insights into your bidding activity and win rates by being able to view and measure your biding activity across all your customers in one location.

Save on Operational Costs

No more wasted time looking for logins and searching across multiple platforms. Save time by being able to search and book spot opportunities in one location.

Make Spot Emails Actionable

There is finally a solution to take advantage of all of those spot opportunity emails piling up in your inbox. Manifold will ingest your spot opportunity emails, parse them and put them alongside the rest of your spot opportunities in an easily searchable manner.

Power up your Business

Meet some of our partners that are using Manifold to take their spot bidding to the next level.